The Jefferson Family

U.S. Navy veteran Maria Jefferson is a single mother of two, in her words, “amazing teenagers,” Briana, 17, and Bryan, 15. After her military duty, Maria struggled due to the fluctuating economy and competitive job market and currently is only able to afford a two-bedroom apartment in a complex that has fallen into disrepair. For the past three years, Maria has worked full-time for Los Angeles County as a senior typist clerk and also stays busy with her children’s school activities. Briana is a competitive dancer with aspirations to become an engineer and is a member of her school’s Architecture & Engineering club as well as the Spanish club. Bryan is a talented artist who started playing the flute five years ago and is currently part of the honor band. They are both straight-A, academy educated, accomplished teens whose favorite subject is math. Maria’s goal is that once they head off to college, she too will join them and return to complete her education, allowing her to advance in her career. Maria has eagerly worked alongside Habitat LA staff and volunteers to help build her home knowing this is a life-changing journey for her family.