Legislative Update – June 30, 2017

We join many other statewide housing advocacy organizations in taking action this week and it will make a difference in supporting Housing across California.


The California Legislature cannot get away with another year of inaction on funding for workforce housing.
The Legislature is close to adjourning for summer recess on July 21st without addressing the housing crisis in California.
  • The cost of renting a home is at an all-time high.
  • Homeownership in California is at its lowest rate since the 1940s!
  • 1 out of 5 residents pay more than half their income on housing.
These statistics are unacceptable and should not be ignored. Procrastination should not be an option!
Starting today, we ask that you call and tweet your assemblymember and senator and to tell them to support SB 2 and AB 71 (in the Assembly) and SB 3 (in the Senate) before the summer recess. Call & tweet every day.
Please share this action kit with your full contact lists, on social media, and with family and friends. Encourage your staff to make time for this outreach.
It only takes 3 steps:

Step 1: Find your district
Enter your home address here to find your assemblymember and senator. Then call the member’s Capitol office. Capitol numbers can be found here. (members listed alphabetically).
Step 2: Call
Use this sample script to make the call easier. Feel free to add your hometown context on the crisis.
Hi, I’m ______ from _____ calling to urge [Assemblymember or Senator] ______ to take immediate action BEFORE the summer recess to fix our affordable housing crisis by voting YES on Assembly Bill 71 and Senate Bill 2 (currently in the Assembly) or SB 3 in the Senate. SB 2 and SB 3 provide permanent funding for workforce housing and could advance homeownership opportunities for low-income families. Though AB 71 does not directly support homeownership, we join in support of this measure too, which provides another financial tool that is needed to address the housing affordability issues facing the majority of Californians.
  • Homeownership rates are at their lowest in California since the 1940s!
  • Please do not let another legislative year pass without addressing this very critical issue.
  • The Legislature passed a budget that has zero funding for workforce housing.
You can’t fight other issues like poverty and homelessness without housing.
Californians struggling to make their monthly mortgage and rent, or being pushed to the brink of homelessness, don’t have the luxury to push off their monthly payments by weeks or take a summer recess. Neither can the Legislature wait to take action to secure reliable permanent funding for affordable housing production, nor can they take up any other issues before addressing housing.

As an affordable housing leader and community member, I need the [assemblymember/senator] to take bold action BEFORE the summer recess to secure permanent funding for affordable housing in our community of _____ as Senate Bill 2 (Atkins), SB 3 (Beall) and Assembly Bill 71 (Chiu) do.
Step 3: Tweet
Use these instructions to tweet all week. Share and retweet as much as possible.

Thank you for making the time to take action.